Quadrants, or perspectives/dimensions
The quadrants represet the way in which the individual and collective arise together, the four quadrants are perspectives, or dimensions, of any occurrence.
The upper quadrants represent the individual, and the lower quadrants represent the collective. The right quadrants are aspects that can be observed about the individual or the collective. The left quadrants represent subjective and inter-subjective aspects about which we would need to ask questions to discover. Any occasion can be viewed from these interior and exterior perspectives on the individual and collective. While it may appear that the quadrants are interacting, they are actually co-arising.
Each holon can be seen from within (subjective, interior perspective) and from the outside (objective, exterior perspective), and from an individual or a collective perspective.
All four perspectives are complementary, rather than contradictory. It is possible for all to be correct, and all are necessary for a complete account of human existence. Each by itself offers only a partial view of reality.
Each quadrant is as valid as reality in the others; no quadrant can be reduced to the others. No exception. For instance, your felt emotion is not less real than electro-chemical reactions in your brain. It is the same "thing" but looked at from a different perspective, both being real.